Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Wow..what a long day. First of all Wednesdays are always my longest days seeing as I have the most classes on them. But today was especially crazy. Here is a general rundown of events:

  • Terrible Expos class
  • Enrolled in classes (my schedule is super awesome **more on that at later time)
  • Ate lunch
  • More class
  • Service Team Kenya class (always best part of my class day)
  • Dinner and frantic prep for the Radina's benefit concert
  • RADINA'S CD RELEASE BENEFIT CONCERT (visit my Kenya Blog for a detailed recap, lets just say it went great)
  • Complete exhaustion, rapid e-mailing, catch up reading and a litte FUZION

Not only has this week been soooo long and busy with trying to get shirts tie-dyed, finishing a Rebuttal essay, and CD covers made (and filled with discs and inserts) for our Kenya, but I've also supposed to still be a normal student with classes and school work. Unfortunately not both could coexist this week. Soooo I'm a little behind in my reading for history class and school work (also not my fault that Amazon didnt get me my book till Monday though and I was supposed to have it finished on Tuesday).

super tired and playing some Fuzion,


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